Myrtleford to Bright

Distance travelled 34km

A much easier ride today. Cool breeze, totally flat and paved rail trail all the way. This is definitely the most beautiful section of the ride – long green canopies, rows of poplars and the trail following streams for most of the way.




Had lots of gourmet breaks – including the ‘must have’ sundaes from the Bright Berry farm, sampling oils and seeds at the Pumpkin Seed Factory, and the best Devonshire tea we’ve had in a long time at the Rail Trail Cafe.

Best berry sundae ever!
Best berry sundae ever!



Milawa to Myrtleford

Distance travelled 47km
Temperature 31 ( but felt like 41 at times)
Flies swallowed 5

Headed off early (well early somewhere in the world) to avoid the heat – which worked well for the first 10km. Then……

So glad we packed the spare
So glad we packed the spare

Back tracked to Everton, where we stopped at the general store for a Cool drink and to recover from roadside maintenance before rejoining the rail trail to Myrtleford.

Bus shelters in this neck of the woods sure have all the comforts of life!
Bus shelters in this neck of the woods sure have all the comforts of life!

Ride was Mostly flat except for a 7km uphill slog to Taylor’s Gap – made worth it by the sensational lunch at Gapstead Winery
Wine, water and Gatoraid - the three biking essentials
Wine, water and Gatoraid – the three biking essentials

The views were magical – we sat out on a deck overlooking the vineyard with the mountains in the distance. Our wine tasting was brought to us… Stayed for a couple of hours.

From there it was a long but downhill glide to Myrtleford. We were so delighted to find a pool in the front yard of our accommodation – suits on and in the water within minutes and wallowed there for the remainder of the afternoon – just what the tired old knees needed!

Beechworth to Milawa

Distance travelled 37km
Wine tastings 2
Distance travelled riding under the influence……

After another hearty breakfast we set off round 10 with plenty of room in the panniers for prospective purchases. One hill climb and we were at our first cellar door – a small organic winery.
After a quick tasting we stowed our first bottle of red in our bike wine rack and headed off down the Murray to Mountains wine trail.

It was all down hill to Everton – we only pedalled twice in the first 8km!! – at Everton we left the trail and followed minor roads for the remainder of the trip to Milawa. A hot ride once out of the sheltered bike trail, but fortunately a bit of a breeze to cool us down.

Great produce along the way including olive groves (and tastings), mustard and cheese factories (more tastings). Mandatory purchases at each of course. Let’s just say you’ll be seeing a whole lot more of us when we get back.

Final stop for the day was at the beautiful Browns Brothers winery- where we tasted all things red – all tasted good by then, so hopefully they’ll be nice when we receive them back in Melb.

Tomorrow off to Myrtleford. Have been warned about magpies and slitherers on the Myrtleford trail, so will be riding head down and feet up.

What is it with our rides and rain??

The heavens descended today- thank goodness our ‘for real’ riding doesn’t start until tomorrow.

Started the day with a divine breakfast at our little B&B then umbrellas in hand we opted to explore shops rather than bike tracks. David managed to put a big dint in a legendary Bee Sting from the Beechworth Bakery – we have yet to find the perfect coffee to go with the yummy pastries, but that hasn’t stopped us trying.

Explored the local area by car and then later did a short ride to suss out our route for tomorrow.


I wonder if David has  the feeling he is missing something?
I wonder if David has the feeling he is missing something?

"Oh bugger, I guess I'll have to go back for her...."
“Oh bugger, I guess I’ll have to go back for her….”

Finished the day with pub dinner & long evening walk


Bike loaded up ready to go – fingers crossed that the rain has passed.

Melbourne to Beechworth…..via Balwyn

Thanks to all those who are interested (or polite) enough to re-visit our blog. We dusted off the green machine, broke her up into the largest possible bits to fit in the car & set off up the Hume……for an hour….until we realised we had left one of those essential bits on the garage floor!
So back to Balwyn and off again…….. I’m not saying anything ?
Lunch in Euroa then arrived in Beechworth late afternoon and found our beautiful little B&B – Barnsley House – a meticulously restored homestead built at the start of the gold rush- our room has French doors onto wide verandah & beautifully manicured garden…..will be hard to move on from here.
Our home for the next two days
Our home for the next two days


Planning tomorrow"
Planning tomorrow”
This is the heart of rail trail territory, so many choices for rides tomorrow. Only one caution – Beechworth sits on top of a (big) hill, so wherever we go will be a long haul back!……. Hmmm perhaps we should have done that training after all.