Day 6 Camino: Baiona to Vigo

Woke to crisp but dry weather this morning, trundling down to breaky round 7.30. Spanish hotel breakfasts aren’t quite as extensive as the Portuguese ones – which might be a blessing for the waistline – so we scoffed everything they offered us and hoped that we’d find cafes along the route.

Early morning photo courtesy of Rick, the early riser in the group

Set off round 8.30 all feeling a tad weary and a bit uncertain about the big hills shown on the gradient today. As it turns out our worries were unfounded – the path was much flatter than we expected (or perhaps we are getting a bit fitter), and the weather smiled at us, with some clouds but also bursts of sunshine which had us stripping down layers.

It was quite a beautiful ride to Vigo- the path was up high above the coast serving the dual purpose of protecting us from the ferocious coastal winds and offering up fabulous views.

Imagine having a beach house that’s a medieval fort1

We stopped mid morning at the halfway mark in an absolutely packed cafe (again mostly with men) in one of the villages. They plied us with turros (donuts) cake and coffee which gave us the oomf we needed for the second part of our journey.

Arrived on the outskirts of Vigo round noon and it took almost 45 minutes (and a few grey hairs) to navigate the busy city streets to our hotel.

Now the fun begins
Sea gulls are never far away

After a quick shower we headed out in search of lunch and an afternoon of exploring. Found about the last restaurant open before siesta and had their daily specials – steamed mussells.

After lunch strolled through the city – ending up down by the docks. I have to say these Spanish certainly take siesta seriously – hardly another soul out on the streets.

You can even get a stamp in your Camino passport from the local cannibalism shop- if only one of us was game to go in!
A bit of an obsession with street art me thinks…

Strolled back to the hotel just as the city was waking up. Now in room having our own siesta.

4 thoughts on “Day 6 Camino: Baiona to Vigo”

  1. Had to read that twice. Gotta love auto correct! Didn’t know Spain still has cannibals! No wonder you weren’t game to go in, might get eaten alive!

    1. Hilarious but it works – I’ll leave it in there and see if anyone else notices!

    1. Thanks Mary- we are having a great time. Hope all is well with you and the team.

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