Nairobi to Nanyuki

Jambo (hello)

One day on the road and already we’ve seen three of the ‘big five’

5am breakfast and we were in the truck by 5.30 heading north.

Interesting but not particularly beautiful driving out of Nairobi. Some areas were quite industrial, in others streets were lined with small market stores selling everything from fruit and veg to coal to garden pots and ornate metal gates.

Main stop across the way was at the equator, with numerous locals there to demonstrate for us that water in the northern hemisphere flows clockwise and water in the Southern Hemisphere goes anti-clockwise- pretty amazing really, but the demo did set us back a hefty fee!

Arrived at Sweetwater Camp just after1, an oasis with a big caution.

Definitely ‘glamping’ tonight- beautiful tents under thatched roves, with watering hole less than 50 meters away. They assure us that the single electric wire fence will deter the lions- if there’s no blog post tomorrow night then ………

Afternoon safari included a trip to the Jane Goodall chimpanzee rescue centre, pretty confronting, but a great group of people doing their best to rescue the chimps.

Hmmm- I wonder if I can run faster than a chimp?

Spent the rest of the afternoon in the game park getting up close to white rhinos, elephants, zebra, (huge) buffalo, impala and vultures snacking on a zebra carcass- very gruesome!

This bad boy would be a force to be reckoned with!

Heading to Samburu tomorrow- another 5.30 start (EEK)

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