May Day

May Day in Salzberg heralded the post-winter opening of the Untersberg Mountain cable car, so we donned our winter woollies and headed up. The cable car trip up was eerie as the mountain was shrouded in clouds.


David in his favourite habitat
David in his favourite habitat

However with the promise of the fog clearing we holed up in the tavern and waited it out

image David in his second favourite habitat[/caption]

We weren’t disappointed


After a quick trip back to old town to mingle with the masses in traditional dress celebrating May Day, we managed to talk a guy from a bike hire place into selling is two tyre tubes to replace spare we used on the flat from yesterday (as all the shops are closed today). So we are now set to head off early in the morning on the first leg of our ride, from Salzburg to Attersee – fingers crossed the weather is kind to us!

3 thoughts on “May Day”

  1. Loving the blog Naomi! Such amazing scenery, it looks like you are both having a great time 🙂

  2. How’s the bum.Standing up to eat tonight? Looks spectacular , Dad says what is growing in the fields.

  3. Looks like David has a liking for large steins. I hope the weather clears you will be running out of dry clothes.hows the calf muscles

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