On the road at last – Salzburg to Attersee

Distance travelled: 58km

Number of times we had to stop for directions: 9

We set off at the respectable hour of 8.30am maps in hand and confident that we could find our way after our earlier trial run. hmmm…. The touring company had provided us with a very undetailed map and ‘translated’ written instructions as to how to navigate the more tricky sections of the route.

The first 15km took 3 hours!!! Once we worked out that ‘turn right’ sometimes meant ‘turn left’ and ‘underpass’ sometimes meant ‘overpass’ – we decided to ditch the instructions and go with our gut – at least until we found a village with an information centre, English speaking guide & new maps. From then on it was much more straight forward (well a bit).

The scenery was spectacular. Gorgeous green fields full of dandelions between Salzburg & The village of Eugendorf…..


the leg from Eugendorf to Thalgau took forever – many missed turns – ended up in the middle of someone’s paddock at one stage. But retained our sense of humour and tried not to panic at the thought of the remaining 50km of uncertainty.

A little bit of 'cross country' to get back on track
A little bit of ‘cross country’ to get back on track

Once we hit the Salzkammergut Cycle path we were able to relax and follow our noses & enjoy our surroundings more. And wow – this is spectacular countryside!

David's view
David’s view
My view
My view


A 1km tunnel through the mountain - just what a chlostrophobe like me needs! I felt the fear and did it anyway!!
A 1km tunnel through the mountain – just what a chlostrophobe like me needs! I felt the fear and did it anyway!!

Clearly David took this photo- the lakes district is full of the rich & famous- he couldn't believe how many Ferraris were in one town
Clearly David took this photo- the lakes district is full of the rich & famous- he couldn’t believe how many Ferraris were in one town

We arrived at our hotel at about 3pm. Right on the edge of the beautiful Attersee Lake

hotel Post Am - our home for the night
hotel Post Am – our home for the night
And the view from the hotel door...
And the view from the hotel door…

All in all a fabulous, albeit challenging day – we are SOOOOO glad that we gave this a go!

2 thoughts on “On the road at last – Salzburg to Attersee”

  1. oh so beautiful, green!!! wow! looks fabulous. remind me never to get you to read a map for me 🙂

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