Bicheno to Coles Bay

Rain or hail: NONE.
Wind: almost NONE..
Hills: mostly small ones.
Tired but happy campers: two!

We had the perfect riding conditions for our trip down to Coles Bay today.
Given there are no shops between Bicheno and Coles Bay we stocked up at the bakery before leaving – including two of the what have become mandatory iced apple cakes.

These babies will get you up any hill!

The first half of the ride was through farmland- mostly flat. This part of Tas is noticeably drier than the northern areas we’ve come through.

Whose finger is that in the corner?!

Saw some interesting signs along the way

We weren’t quite sure what this one meant. Low flying planes? Road doubles as runway?
Forget the Roos- what about the cyclists?

To go in or not to go in?

Once again had a magnificent lunch spot well worth the detour and the big gravel climb

Friendly Beach- Great place for our picnic lunch
Definitely a two Tim Tam climb

Arrived in Coals Bay mid afternoon in time for a walk around town and the waterfront. We are staying in a cabin in the caravan park near Oyster Bay for the next three nights. If the weather holds we might even venture in for a swim!

One thing we have realised is that Freycinet is huge, so seeing it without a car will be a challenge. So have booked a Wineglass Bay cruise and climb for tomorrow.