Wineries & fooderies around Swansea

Had a lazy day today mindful that Swansea is our last rest spot until the end of the ride – although our perceptions have definitely altered when a 30k ride constitutes a rest day!

After eggs on toast cooked by David’s fair hands our first stop was in town for a look around the galleries and ‘real’ coffee’.

Swansea is a beautiful little town- lots of original buildings with waterfront views. A real sense of community here. And great cafes!

….and this one is on the market!
The general store literally sells everything you could imagine

After our look around- and a few small purchases 😀 we headed north towards the wineries.
Again the countryside was dry as a chip- such a contrast to other areas we’ve been travelling through.

The promise of wine and lunch with a view drew us in.

And the view was worthy- and the food amazing- sharing plates of cured wagu, cod roe, and duck terrine- we did it tough. After a small tasting (we don’t drink and ride) we left with a bottle of bubbly stuffed in our pannier – and lets just say there will be a small delivery arriving at my workplace before I do.

Arrived back late afternoon to fresh scones, baked by our hosts, waiting for us on our bench- this is the life!!!!

Tomorrow we head to Orford – with a 70k ride ahead of us scones will be a distant memory.