Dunnalley to Richmond

Left Dunnalley round 9am. Opted for a route starting on the coast and then working its way up the Carlton River rather than going along the very busy Arthur highway. This made for a much hillier trip but also more picturesque.

Big hills and fast descents today
Did quite a bit of this today…

Along the river was a mix of farming, beach/bush batches and expensive waterfront properties complete with boat ramps and the boats to go with them. Very few of these towns had shops or facilities though.

At about 11 we took a short detour into Dodges Ferry where a local told us there was a bakery. With coffees and shepherds pie under our belts we set off to face the next challenge.

While we aimed for backroads inevitably the closer one gets to the ‘big smoke’ the bigger the roads and the faster the traffic. After a relentless 3km of the busiest traffic we’ve seen so far as we approached Sorrell, we decided we needed a plan B. We stopped at the Golden Arches which had all the things we needed to steady our nerves- carbs, salt and bathrooms!

After poring over our maps we plotted out a quieter although more circuitous (and inevitably hilly) route- meaning we arrived at Richmond tired but safe and sane.

We were so excited to finally see this!

Arrived at the bridge round 2.30. With the superb weather the grass called our names and we laid on the riverbank mesmerised by the view and the quiet for about an hour. Then the biggest challenge of all- getting back up on our feet!

Richmond is just gorgeous – after dinner at the local pub we went for an evening stroll- had the whole town to ourselves, with Water birds out on mass, feeding and preening and the evening reflections working their magic.

It seems unbelievable but tomorrow is our last day of riding. We’re a bit nervous about what ‘joys’ the traffic will hold for us as we head into Hobart, but we’ve asked around and think we have the best route mapped out….. stay tuned…..

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