Summing up: Tassie east coast

As is customary for our last blog post for a ride, we are sitting at Launceston airport reflecting on the highlights, challenges and lessons learned over the last couple of weeks. 

We both agree Tassie is magnificent- it was every bit as wonderful as we had heard and more. And we picked a fabulous time to go- while the weather was variable, tourist numbers were low so we often had these magnificent unspoilt places to ourselves.

The numbers:

Total distance travelled: 780.9km (we thought about riding around the block to make it up to the 800 but have you seen the hills in Hobart?!).

Total distance travelled on foot pushing bike: estimate 20, felt like 50.

Time in the saddle: 65hrs, 57mins (ouch)

Mechanical failures: amazingly none- not even a flat tyre!

Biggest thrill: flying down the 10kms from Eaglehawk Neck to Dunalley without turning the pedals once (at a PB speed of 80km/hr)

Biggest challenge: hands down the logging trucks, with the wind a close second. 

Best view: ahhh this is a tough one.  Wineglass Bay neck in neck with the Devil’s kitchen and Bruny Island coastline – But every single day brought breathtaking scenery.

What we have learned:

  • our physical limits – and how to push past them 
  • we still don’t mind riding in the rain, but are less fond of wind
  • sometimes  it’s the unexpected places that you want to spend more time in- so flexibility is the key
  • It’s fun spending time with our extended family (but we knew that already)
  • It’s OK to accept a ride sometimes – 780 km is still a long way.

Signing of until next time…….

One thought on “Summing up: Tassie east coast”

  1. Again, thanks for taking the time to blog. It is has been fun for us to to be able to follow your exploits each day.
    I suppose the question on all our lips is – where to next?
    Love to you both.
    Andrew & Jennifer

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