The maiden voyage

Well after many months of anticipation Dora the Explorer finally embarked on her maiden tour yesterday- and we are lucky enough to be with her.

But the journey really started on Tuesday with a trip to the Scoresby weigh bridge- something to put on the bucket list if you’ve never done it.  It felt like the first day of prep- lining up alongside the ‘big kids’ (aka trucks) trying to at least look like we knew what we were doing. And yes, we had to be weighed too.  

After a quick trip home via the local hockey field to open up and rearrange we are now within legal weights- which means I  can ride in the front with David instead of sitting on top of the trailer!

So feeling confident we wouldn’t blow up the car we started out at 6.45 yesterday with Mildura in our sights.

We headed up the ‘back way’ to avoid freeways/peak traffic and within an hour we were on the open road somewhere near Whittlesea. 

Fired up our recently installed CB once out among trucks and roadworks – just let’s say we are learning a whole new language – the conversations that happen on the road would make your toes curl…… needless to say we are lurkers not participators. But great for hearing about traffic hazards et. 

Took us about 9 hours to get to Mildura including rest breaks.  

Best coffee: Wallan

Cutest town: Charlton

Best toastie: Sea Lake

Best sights: Narwill &Sea Lake silos (just as magical second time round).

Just basic set up tonight

Staying at small caravan park on outskirts of Mildura.  Very quiet and slept like logs despite -1 degrees outside. Currently under the covers hoping David will step out and put the Billy on (and he is hoping I’ll do the same).

Off to Mungo National Park for a couple of days- bush camping and off grid so no posts for a couple of days.

12 thoughts on “The maiden voyage”

  1. So pleased you had a great first day!! Enjoy that cuppa whoever makes it!! 🤣

  2. Like the bright green carpet at the entry. There is a bit of ‘designer’ in us all! Love to you both! R + R

  3. Its great that everything is working well.
    I’ve been told those cold mornings are character building, but i don’t believe it!!

  4. Congrats guys. Love travelling. I grew up in Sea Lake so know those roads well. Safe travels

  5. Congratulations on getting out the drive and on the road – always the most difficult bit! Have you remembered what you’ve forgotten yet? Enjoy the sunshine up north!

  6. Great to see the start of your journey. Going to be character building in these cold temperatures!!

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