Mungo National Park

Writing this post from Mungo National Park campground- seem to be receiving texts so hoping that my phone has enough juice to upload a post.

Had planned to set off early this morning but was sooo hard to get out of our cozy bed into the freezing air outside.

The little fan heater we bought at bigW  last night fired up well and warmed the tent a little to ease the transition to the outside (a freezing – -1. David threw himself on his sword made coffee but it was almost cod by the time we got it to our lips – next trip some insulated mugs are a must.

So all in all after a camp cooked breakfast and a much longer than expected camper disassembly we finally hit the raad round 10.30.

We certainly put Dora through her paces today. About 100k to Mungo from Mildura- with the last 80 or so on corrugated dirt roads. Flat as anything, red as red dirt- we certainly feel like we are on the edge of the outback. 

David demonstrated hi his handymanhood – stopping to let some air out of the tyres so we didn’t get a flat- and so far so good.

Thats my man!

Arrived in Mungo round 2 and did the full set up this time as we’ll be here a couple of days. A quick trip to the visitors centre to read about the rich Aboriginal history and to the old woodshed – quite beautiful until you read about how much damage the sheep did to the natural environment.

Now sitting by our campfire, bellies full of roasted veggies cooked in the camp oven and a glass of champas in hand- could life get any better?

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