Hardened criminals -in SA anyway

So what’s the most you’ve ever paid for and orange? Want some context….read on.

Trotted down early again to see the sunrise this morning, sadly clouds hid her smiling face but view was spectacular none the less. 

With a touch of reluctance we packed up camp to leave Mungo- have loved the camp ground here- but clouds, looming rain and the threat of being rained in got us moving.  Took about an hour to pack down and we hit the road at 9.30.

Most of this red d st now n our car

David  seems to have mastered  the art of corrugations and it was a much smoother trip back to Mildura but no less dusty.
Quick coffee break in Mildura and then next stop the SA border fruit drop box where we sat at the picnic table and ate as many oranges and mandarins as our tummies could hold. We put a serious dent in the $4 bags and sadly dumped the remainder in the quarantine bin…..or so we thought…

Canoa crops were spectacular

Next stop the hard border.  We leapt out proudly and opened up our fridge to demonstrate we’d done the right thing and purged ourselves of all things fruit – but alas, one vagrant orange had slipped its net and stood there as obvious as dogs you know whats on the floor of the car. Of course that sparked a major search leaving no nook or cranny unturned – stopping  just short of a full body search! Poor David, being the only one with a drivers license then had to do the walk (and talk) of shame.  And subject himself to being photographed with said orange.

Proof we tried to do the right thing

The very kind couple who had also stopped to dispose of food at the bins told the quarantine folks that they’d seen us guzzling oranges and thought it must have been accidental smuggling – but alas this is no mitigation so now we await the letter bearing a fine of no less than $400 for a single orange!

Doing a quick over-nighter  in Loxton in a pretty little caravan park right on the Murray. Got the tent set up just before rain started so now showered and cozy hoping it will pass soon. The park has a fabulous camp kitchen which saves us  setting up our awning/cooking outside.

Will be an interesting pack up tomorrow when we head off for the Clare valley.

7 thoughts on “Hardened criminals -in SA anyway”

  1. “Do the crime, do the time”
    I am overwhelmed with sympathy……
    Sounds like the full travel experience!!!

  2. Wow. That puts our whinging about the effects of inflation on the price of fruut and veg in perspective. Serious border checking. Good warning for any of us planning to drive to SA.
    Loving the posts.

  3. I’m surprised to hear that they still check – so unlucky! The funny thing is that if you had wanted to hide the fruit, you have so many places to choose from in that wonder van of yours!

  4. So your in the middle of nowhere having a big feed of oranges were there any side effects?

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