Loxton to Melrose

After a rainy evening followed by a freezing night (we were warm and toasty inside) while we were dry the camper was covered in frost, so did our first ‘wet’ pack up hoping that all inside would stay dry for the journey.

Loxton is a really pretty town right on the banks of the Murray – actually on a bit of a lagoon. The houses are built up on the hill above the river and would have fabulous views. 

We and everyone else within coo-eee of Loxton had breakfast at the one and only bakery. Fabulous coffee and hearty eggs breaky kept us going most of the day.

Today we started our drive towards the Flinders  ranges with Melrose as our planned end point (about 480k). Covered some really diverse landscapes from dust bowl/desert territory to lush pasture – mostly sheep.

When through Jamieson, home to the ‘big battery’ and the longest line of wind turbines I’ve ever seen- I personally find them mesmerising to look at.

We decided not to take the Worlds End  highway just in case it was true to name- but would love to know what it led to,

Passed through some rally pretty historic towns, with gorgeous old original buildings lining the streets. Lots of businesses not open on Monday- I guess they do most of their trade on weekends – which might be just as well or  Dora might have gone over her weight limit.

Arrived in Melrose, at the foot of Mt Remarkable round 4pm in time to enjoy the last couple of hours of sunshine and get the canvas dry. We are staying at the Showgrounds – a few other campers here but very spaced out and private.

Our spot for the night
These cute noisy things might end up in our pot by tomorrow

We are right next to a paddock containing dozens of sheep with new lambs- very cute but very noisy!

Now sitting by the fire having eating wonton soup cooked in the camp oven- totally clear sky and almost full moon, so we will be in for another cold one tonight I imagine.  Life is good on the road!

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