All smooth sailing today: Grein to Mitteransdorf

Distance cycled: 71km
Exhaustion: total (but still smiling)
Internet connection: very slow (so not many photos uploaded – sorry)

We fronted up at the bike mechanic at 9am today with everything crossed. Bike was serviced waiting for us (for our bike techo friends the stoker crank shaft had jammed against the derailleur). So we set off with a spring n our step.

A pair of happy chappies
A pair of happy chappies

Today we travelled along the south bank of the river, so the first step was a short ferry trip. Thankfully the tandem fit on the tiny bike ferry.

We rode right alongside the river for most of the day. Again the landscape changed as we went – starting with industrial/agricultural areas with wheat silos, moving on to to huge granite cliff faces and ending up in the winery/fruit growing region. The Danube is a real working river, with huge barges transporting grain, other crops & logs up stream. There are also lots of cruise ships, car ferries and small bicycle ferries. There are dykes at regular intervals and power stations about every 100k. Despite this there are fantastic views along the river.


One of the highlights for us today was the small town of Melk. An 18th century town with an absolutely enormous Benedictine Monastery (Melk Abbey) set high on the cliff top. Quite a climb (on foot) to get up there – but well worth it.


Arrived at our hotel at 6.30 pm, tired but having had a fab day.

One thought on “All smooth sailing today: Grein to Mitteransdorf”

  1. Got the sunscreen? Bad luck with the derailer.Smooth sailing from now on.

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