Mitteransdorf to Tullin to Vienna

Distance cycled: 76km
Distance cycled in the rain:42km
Danube crossings: 3

Our longest day in the saddle so far today. Left our hotel in Mitteransdorf at 9 am and arrived at our hotel in Vienna at 7pm. We crossed back to the South bank of the river for most of the day. No problems fitting our bike on this ferry – a whole car ferry just for our little bike!


The first part of our ride was through the Wanchau wine and apricot region – beautiful fields with rows of vines & fruit trees separated by old stone walls. The hillsides looked like patchwork quilts. Lots of tine little villages, well acquainted with bike tourists – chafes and interesting shops. Our favourite was Durnstein.


From there we rode on to Krems a large regional town -we were sitting in a outside cafe having coffee and a woman rushed up with a microphone – she was from the national radio station OA1 and wanted a short interview about our travels in tandem – of course we obliged – why not, nobody would know us. At the end she asked us our names, on noting our different names she then asked us if we weren’t married, when we said we weren’t she rapidly pointed out to David that Austria is full of beautiful castles that make great wedding venues. Hilarious!

All the fame went to our heads however and we managed to get totally lost getting out of Krems. What we are fast learning is that it is easy to find your way out in the countryside – even if you’re not quite sure where you are, but without speaking German & beIng able to read the signs it’s easy to get lost in the bigger towns and cities. Many of the large towns have suburbs of similar names and not all bridges and roads allow bikes. People are incredibly helpful and generous though. After riding round in circles trying to avoid the freeway out of town at Krems a lady on a bike saw us checking our map for the thousandth time (and perhaps the desperation on our faces) and offered to lead us back to the river – we had been about 2k off route!

We were on a time clock today – had to reach Tullin by 5.30 for the last train to Vienna, so after spending a bit too long building our international media profile & losing our way, we had to pick up speed after Krems. Crossed back to the other side of the river (by bridge this time) and pedalled fast. The North bank is much more solitary – the trail goes right alongside the river with towns set well back – great views of towns on the other side, but little else to delay you…..except perhaps rain….quick – to the panniers to get out our wet weather gear – uh oh.. Someone who shall remain nameless had taken out our waterproof pants so they could fit any Wanchau wine purchases (I guess it was forecast to be 21 degrees and sunny).

We made it to Tullin just in time dripping and muddy, very glad to get on the warm train (although not so sure how glad the people around us were – we must have been quite a sight).

In Vienna still teaming with arrived at our very swanky hotel looking like absolute bogans. Tried not to giggle (or was it managed to contain the hysteria?) as I lined up at the marbled registration desk with the other ‘beautiful people’ checking in with mud and chain grease all over me and leaving puddles everywhere I stood. The lady at the counter didn’t bat an eyelid (obviously well trained in customer service).

A hot shower and dry clothes never felt so good!

Three days rest here in Vienna before resuming the ride to Budapest. Will continue blogging when we are back on the road on the 11th.

4 thoughts on “Mitteransdorf to Tullin to Vienna”

  1. Really enjoying your blog.
    All very eventful, amazing.

  2. Enjoy your well earned break. You could have a horse and cart ride and let someone/thing else do the work for a change. Whenever I smell horse’s poo I think of Vienna!

  3. You will be ready for a rest.Stand clear the drowned rats have arrived.

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