Day 2: from sunrise to sunset

Day 2: from sunrise to sunset

Today was a 24,000+ step day.

Another 5.40 alarm this morning to join the procession out to the rock to watch the sunrise. Some of the most spectacular views were from the car on the way there- we had underestimated the time it would take us to get through the park gates etc.  But even with the sun almost up the rock was magnificent.- changing colour with each new ray of light.

Just to prove we were there

From there we struck an early start to the Ularu base walk.  When driving to the Mala carpark to the start off the walk we put our sun visas down to shield our eyes from the rising sun- only to have a MASSIVE spider drop in my lap. After not too much screaming we realised it was plastic! No doubt left by the very cheeky previous car renters!


After brief CPR, two (N&D) set off on the base walk while the other (R) did the two waterhole walks. ironically we all ended up doing the same number of steps.

It was amazing getting up so close to the rock and definitely worth the 3.5 hour walk.

Amazing textures up close
I knew I had long legs in an alternate universe
This rock looked a bit like an elephants face
Bush fuschia- so delicate
You can’t really capture the scale of these sheer rock faces

Came back mid-afternoon to join the free didgeridoo lesson in the town square.. only males were allowed to actually play a didgeridoo due to cultural taboos but undeterred Ruth and I blurted our lips and managed to make a better sound than many of those that actually had a didgeridoo. 

Determined not to let a second of the day go to waste we did a quick turnaround and headed back to the rock for sunset.  We joined a cast of thousands all vying for prime position armed with cameras and tritrpods. Sadly the sun didn’t show her colours tonight but we had great photos nonetheless.

Some people will do anything to get a good view
We realised after the guy who took this photo was more interested in featuring his own camera equipment!
Honestly there’s no such thing as too many photos of this thing!

Finished the day once again with our baked potato all you can eat feast at the Outback hotel  with follow up dessert in the poolside restaurant at our hotel from the ridiculous to the sublime.

All in all another amazing day

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