Day 0 to 1

Day zero: We got up bright  and early (yes really) and armed with pre-trip enthusiasm and a detailed packing/chore list we got to it. Then the knock at the door…….letting us know the gas pipes were being replaced in our street , the road would be closed and they needed to dig a pit on our nature strip. Fortunately the let us put our car on the street for packing, but the flip side of that was being dodged by a steady steam of bob cats and dump trucks. And we learned there’s nothing quite like the performance anxiety that goes with being watched by about 20 workers while you try to work out how the heck to strap a tyres and gerrys to you roof for the first time (and the second and third time by the time we got it right).

We fell into bed exhausted but with firm resolve to be on the road by 7am. and we were- at least by 8.06, so within coo -ee of our KPI.

A long leg today so we can do some exploring tomorrow. Breaky in Seymour (if you call scones with lashings of cream breaky) then with a sense of deja vu we pulled in to Strathmerton to consume our last pieces of fruit before the border. Then on to Jerrilderee, Narrandera (with note to self to visit there for longer some time), arriving in West Wyalong at about 4.30.

Determined not to be nabbed for contraband this time

We are staying at the Showgrounds. Very few people here and great facilities. A gorgeous sunset and clear skies which promise a cold night- we’ve been told it’s to expect  -1.  So currently hugging our soup bowls and wrapped in blankets. It will definitely be an early night for us.

Ready for anything Mother Nature brings

7 thoughts on “Day 0 to 1”

  1. Have a ball guys and enjoy every minute. The cold mornings are getter less now so hopefully this will be the case for you guys as well.

  2. Living vicariously though your adventures. Can’t wait for the next instalment. We’ve even manufactured a device to hold the shovel on to the roof of our vehicle in preparation for a trip.

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