Day 5: Conquering Lightning Ridge

Lightning Ridge is a remote, quirky town packed with interesting characters all with a story to tell.  Over 85% of residents are born overseas and have come to try their luck with the opals. A bit like gambling most find nothing of note, some find dribs and drabs of ‘colour’ and a (very) few strike it rich – and those that do make millions.  LR is the only place in the world where black opals have been found and 1 Karat yields $10k, so opal fever is a real thing.

There was loads to see in our 1 full day here . We planned our mission carefully and tried to leave no stone unturned. This was made easier by the Shire’s self guided  ‘car door routes’- four  routes covering all the local attractions – art, mining, history and sunset, signified by spray painted car doors. Some took more finding than others but we managed it – photo evidence below.

Flat and dusty, the outskirts of town (or suburbs as they call them) are full of 50x50m ‘claims’ – no permanent dwellings are allowed on claims so those trying for opals generally live in makeshift dwellings over where they sink their shafts.

Bevan’s cactus garden- he came for opals in 1969 & decided he needed a garden which now spans a huge area. As the cacti reproduce they remove the ‘pups’ via an intricate process involving bedsheets, ts and electrical wire (no further detail revealed) and pot them up for sale/re-planting.
Look closely and you’ll see that Bevan is just a little bit cheeky
Yes I did go down the mine (and found my way out again)
These guys picking their way around the claims
This house made of bottles and rocks
This 1970s Italian immigrant hand built himself a castle over his mine- (not quite a temporary dwelling)
Lunatics open cut mine- the worlds richest opal mine until it was forcibly closed because it was so dangerous
A typical claim
Finished the day with a magical sunset
look closely in the clouds and you might spy a fallen USPresident!

6 thoughts on “Day 5: Conquering Lightning Ridge”

  1. “No stone unturned” 🤣 Good one.
    Can’t tell what Bevans been up to on phone. Will check on PC.

  2. Looks like LR is well worth a visit. Any places to stay for non-campers? Donald is inescapable even in the outback!
    R + R

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