To Bourke & beyond

Left our little camp site in Brewarrina very reluctantly this morning and headed to Bourke – or the back there of.

Stopped for an hour or so in  Bourke (about an hour down the road). Given its iconic identity I think we were expecting it to be more than it was. The Back ‘o Bourke museum was definitely worth a visit to understand the diverse history.

From Bourke we followed the east side of the Darling Mostly on red dirt but in good condition – no corrugations. We didn’t see the river despite not being more than a few hundred metres away.  National park (scrub) on one side and vast farm land – cattle mostly, on the other.. There were feral goats EVERYWHERE – they thrive on the ‘eat anything’ food supply.   Apparently local farmers herd them up and sell them for meat every now and again but market for goat is poor so it seems they just do this when numbers get high.

On the red earth

We arrived at our camp spot mid afternoon – a bush camp on Dunlop Station and our little spot is right on the bank of the Darling. We are totally alone out here – absolutely  magical. 

Ire from our front porch

The other side of the river and down the way a bit is the town of Louth. Louth races are on tomorrow- a big local event and we can hear the town beginning to buzz (or perhaps roar?) in the distance. We are very glad to be on this side of the river.

Now sitting by campfire, glass of red in hand. Life’s good! I

2 thoughts on “To Bourke & beyond”

  1. I’ve broken out the big road atlas to try and keep up. It would help if there were only N-S or E-W drives. The diagonals are confusing me. Learning a lot, however. Keep having fun🙂

    1. Glad to be able to provide a geographical challenge. Note- we don’t always know where we are either!

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