Back on the road: Vienna to Hainburg

Distance cycled today: 48km (we must be getting fit as it seemed like a short ride)

Total distance cycled to date: 378km

With a very slight groan we donned our helmets and bike gear, had one last cafe latte and set off from Vienna round 9am hoping to get most of the way before the forecast rain…..hmmmmm.

Farewell Vienna
Farewell Vienna

It didn’t take us long to get back into bike mode. Mostly travelling through forest and wetlands – no villages today- which made it easy to ride fast(ish).

The south bank was lined with windmills (of the modern variety)
The south bank was lined with windmills (of the modern variety)

David stopping for some play time - nearly had a headless Captain - they were lower than expected!
David stopping for some play time – nearly had a headless Captain – they were lower than expected!


We were just a little perturbed about the warning signs that popped up along the trail - bears? Pirates? Landslides? - perhaps our German speaking friends can translate? We rode on fearlessly oblivious of the danger that lay ahead.
We were just a little perturbed about the warning signs that popped up along the trail – bears? Pirates? Landslides? – perhaps our German speaking friends can translate? We rode on fearlessly oblivious of the danger that lay ahead.

This part of the Danube trail was wide and flat, although gravel (rather than paved) which made for a bit of a muddy trip one the rain came down…and boy did it come down!

A quick snack under the shelter of an overpass.
A quick snack under the shelter of an overpass.

Arrived in Hainburg just after lunchtime. It is a walled city dating back to 1010 – walls still in tact and ruins of the old fortress up on a hill. We are staying in an old monastery – recently re-fitted as a hotel – absolutely gorgeous. Hopefully this means our prayers for good weather tomorrow will be heard!


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