Day trip to Estremoz

Woke to much gloomier weather today- cloudy and light drizzle. We had a tour and wine tasting booked at the Joao Portugal Ramos winery in Esrremoz, about an hour away, so we headed off round 9.30.

Arrived there round 10.45 (it’s never too early for a wine tasting is it?). The winery buildings were absolutely gorgeous- with the ‘old’ building being the original winery and the ‘new’ building ,designed to complement it by the owners son who is an architect, incorporating lots environmental features (eg grass roof terrace & water channels around the barrels) designed to keep the wine cool in the summer.

For the premium reds they still trample the grapes manually – three men rotating for 30 hours
Vines looking a bit bare at this time of year

After our tour we got to taste the wines. David was driving so only tasted the reds, I therefore bore responsibility of tasting them all on behalf of both of us- a tough job but someone’s got to do it! Tasting came with cheeses, pate bread and olive oil, so by the time we left we were fully replete.

Reds were beautiful and on asking if they had suppliers in Oz the answer was yes- Aldi!!

Aldi here we come!

With rain settling in we made only one stop on way back at Vila Vicosa yet another small rural town with a huge medieval castle.

Note the crotchet tree trunks
Streets were lined with literally hundreds of orange trees in full fruit – no idea if/who picks them
Never get sick of the views from the top of these things

Back at hotel by 3.30, narrowly missing peak hour traffic which is a nightmare on these narrow streets.

Post-dinner we are in our room with the heating cranked up to the max trying to get our washing dry before we leave in the morning.

5 thoughts on “Day trip to Estremoz”

  1. You can’t perfect weather all the time! Haha
    What an interesting winery!
    We Love reading the blog each morning.
    Andrew & Jennifer

  2. Good to hear that Aldi sells your wines. Enjoyed reading about the area you have just visited and seeing the number of glasses of wine that you sampled. Must have been a tough gig! See you soon

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