Camino day 1: Porto to Vila do Conde

And the journey begins

Headed down to breakfast at 6.45am with a good dose of excitement annd all of us feeling just a tad nervous as well. After lugging the bikes downstairs we set off round 8 for the short (or so we thought) ride to the Cathedral- the start of the Portuguese Coastal Camino. We hadn’t really factored in the combined effects (fear factor) of peak hour traffic, one way streets and rain- so arrived at 8.30 having walked through some of the busiest areas.

Four intrepid pilgrims

And then- the heavens descended! Getting out of Porto was the biggest challenge of the day – the ‘yellow arrows’ taking us down steep and often stained paths, but all roads lead to the sea (or downhill ones anyway), so after an hour of combined walking/backtracking we were finally hugging the riverbank- even if a bit cold and damp. It did make us reflect on St James and his cronies doing this before the days of paths/roads and without wet weather gear.

Cobblestone streets were perhaps the highlight and the biggest challenge of the day.

So glad to get down to the river bank
Hmmm-are we missing something on the back?

Stopped for the dual purpose of re-fuel ing and warming up a couple of times throughout the day -. The lunch spot was full of characters – a family owned restaurant – dad the owner and the adult brother and sister working the floor. It took us a while to realise that the set menu (bread, soup, mains, dessert, espresso) was the only option, and needed to be strictly adhered to . Quote of the day- ‘do you have any tarts?’, ‘I’ll ask my sister’.

The little yellow cabboose

And finally we were here – we arrived in Villa do Conde at around 3.30pm, very damp and very appreciative of the hot showers. Washed off the mud, cranked the heating up and left our clothes to dry while we went out in search of dinner and a much needed drink.

You know you’re riding slowly when Strava thinks you’re walking!
Plenty of stamps added to our passports today.

Off to bed now pretty weary. Tomorrow’s forecast says 12 degrees maximum and 95 percent chance of rain – let’s hope we can time it for the 5 percent dry!

3 thoughts on “Camino day 1: Porto to Vila do Conde”

  1. Great day was had by all. Minor injuries sustained included: scratches on both calves caused by the crank -Rick , trapped leg caused by the bike falling over -David, sore stomach muscles caused by laughing when the bike fell over – Naomi.

  2. Love those stamps. Hope the weather improves for Ponte de Lima. One of our favourites.

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