Day 5 Camino: A Guarda to Baiona

Left A Guarda in glorious weather around 9am. – a bit chilly in the shade but otherwise bright sunshine . Had to stop for minor repairs on our back chain so didn’t get going for real until 10am. iIt was a bit tricky to find the right path out of town, but eventually we got to the sea and followed our noses (and the little yellow arrows) from there on in.

Following ng the yellow brick road

The coast looked amazing in the sunshine – with waves thundering in onto the rocks. Saw one or two rock fishermen, but it would be a treacherous sport here. Quite a diverse path today switching between broad coastal CycleWays , which felt a bit like following the yellow brick road, narrow cobbled streets passing through numerous small villages and some forest paths.

Some of these rocks people have carted are huge
Making friends along with he way

Arrived in Baiona round 2pm, pretty tired from the cumulated effort of five days in the saddle. Baiona is a sea port- but very upmarket resort-style living unlike the smaller villages we’ve been travelling through. While quiet now, you can see it would be absolutely heaving in the warmer months. The bay/marina is enveloped by the walls of a 14th century fort which offers great views in all directions.

Trees look amazing without their leafy coats

We ate dinner in restaurant just near the hotel – the 8pm dinner hour is way past the bedtime of we weary travellers so quite a challenge! We are now past the halfway point of our Camino- hoping that the kind weather holds but fearing it won’t.

One thought on “Day 5 Camino: A Guarda to Baiona”

  1. One can only imagine the stories those castle walls could tell us. So many beautiful structures!

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