Santiago de Compostela: we made it!

Set off at 9.06 (to be precise) to complete the last leg of our ‘Way’ – it felt pretty momentous to know that today would be our last on this trail. We only had 25km to cover but we now know from experience that distances are a poor indicator of challenge over here. But we made it!

Just to prove consistency it rained from the get go and temperatures between 6 and 11 degrees made it particularly punishing. The ride was an interesting one weaving its way through the narrow backstreets of villages allowing us to sticky beak into peoples back ‘yards’ – mini vineyards, choking pens – every house seemed to have a dog eager to bark at us, and narrow lanes seething with cats – the definitely wouldn’t have a rat problem here. Some roads, particularly as we drew near to Santiago but also lots of forest paths.

We stopped for our last pilgrim lunch today and boy did we need it. Most cafes put on hearty pilgrim meals including vegetable soup and bread (hits the spot for warming up), meat/fish and potatoes/chips and a drink (coffee for us). Was hard to drag ourselves out of the warmth and back into the rain.

As we got closer to Santiago there were more and more walkers on the route as the various ‘Ways’ merged. It was an amazing (and quite emotional) feeling coming in through the narrow streets to the cathedral – with young pilgrims cheering from the bars as the probably celebrated their own achievement.

And then we were there. – four drenched and bedraggled cyclists and 2 muddy bikes hanging on to their chains by a thread. Of course they don’t actually let you into the cathedral – not without a booking anyway- so that will have to wait for another day. We lined up to get our final stamp , present our credential and receive our certificate at the Santiago pilgrims office – feeling very proud of ourselves.

Feel so privileged to have shared this journey with these two amazing people!

And just when we thought we’d finished we had another 600m ride to our hotel – while it is only 150m from the cathedral, it’s on the ‘other’ side of the cathedral from the pilgrim office!

By 4pm I was showered and tucked up in bed soaking up the warmth – exploring and food can wait until later , as can dissembling the bike – eeek! We are staying a stones throw from the cathedral and can see it from our window – but importantly can also hear it! Those bells ain’t quiet!

5 thoughts on “Santiago de Compostela: we made it!”

  1. Congratulations to the four of you what an achievement rain hail shine more rain and wind to help you along trail. WELL DONE
    I guess tomorrow’s blog will be mostly about resting and recovery!!!! Enjoy dinner
    Love S & J

  2. Well done the four of you. I’d bet that you all feel appropriately uplifted as you gazed at the Santiago Cathedral. What a wonderful experience.
    Cheers to Bei & Rick.

  3. The ride was without doubt extremely challenging. Cold temperatures and constant rain. However the feeling of accomplishment when we arrived at the cathedral made it all worthwhile. Congratulations to all that walk/ ride the Camino. Great to share this experience with Bei, Naomi and David.

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