Sommaroy to Mefjordvaer

Distance travelled: 53km
Tunnels: 3 (longest 920m)
Breakdowns: 1 (of bike not us)

After an expansive breakfast buffet we set off round 9am to cover the 10km to the 10.15 ferry from Brensholmen to Botnhamn on Senja (the second largest island in Norway). The ferry ride was spectacular made even more magical by the appearance of a pod of whales (Springer Whales) which mesmerised us all.

While not quite as long a ride as yesterday the hills were much more challenging- long steady inclines, often several kilometres long – we will have thighs of steel by the time we get home… the mean time we are just in a world of pain.

Travelling along the edge of the fjords tunnels were also regular features today. Three tunnels- one long and two relatively short – all wide and well lit, but curved. This made it was very disconcerting when cars entered the tunnel as you could hear them but couldn’t tell which direction they were coming from until they were nearly upon you. Not my favourite moments of the day.

Going in
Going in
Coming out
Coming out

We passed through numerous little fishing villages along the way, many with net enclosures (pools) in the shallows- which we later found were for farming shrimp.

After a day of big climbs, just 1km from our destination our derailleur malfunctioned meaning that the bike will only function in the hardest gears. So the fun began- within seconds word got round the village that two Aussies (old farts?) on a tandem needed bike repairs. While there is no bike mechanic in these parts the hotelier and the local car mechanic concurred that the derailleur needs professional attention. So word came to us at the hotel that a man with a van will pick us up at 9am tomorrow and take us to another village where there is ‘someone’ who is qualified for the task.

Spending tonight in my first ever experience of a youth hostel- packed to the rafters (only accommodation in town), immaculately clean, great food but paper thin walls and of course the joy of sharing a bathroom with about 20 randoms

View from our hostel window
View from our hostel window

Only my iPhone pics today – insufficient internet here to upload Davids high res images

3 thoughts on “Sommaroy to Mefjordvaer”

  1. Whales and ‘man with a van’ – fantastic.
    Broken bike, tunnels and hills – slightly less fantastic
    Greatly enjoying the read and the pics

  2. Enjoying the pictures ,pity we couldn’t read the comments.I bet you are sleeping well.

  3. Looks cold but guess you are sweating with all that peddling!
    Where are all the people?
    Still laughing about NJ sharing a public bathroom!
    R & R

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