Mefjordvaer to Hamn via Finnsenes

Wonderful things about bike breaking down:
Met so many lovely people who went out of their way to help us
Got to see lots more of the countryside- albeit from the inside of vans, that we wouldn’t otherwise have seen
We missed riding through the longest tunnel of our trip (which was 2.4km uphill)

Well, what an adventure we had today. Set off down to town early as the hostel manager had contacted a Norwegian champion cyclist in a neighbouring village who though he might be able to repair our bike. Only 5km away but with only the two hardest gears working we glided down hills and walked up hills (fortunately there was more down than up). Both he and his wife were lovely, and he did indeed identify the problem (sheared sprocket carousel – from impact in flight that had taken a day or so to dislodge…sigh). A call to a bike mechanic to check they had parts, and to a man in a van and 80km later and we were in Finnseness (a comparably large town in the exact opposite direction we were supposed to be heading).
We sat in (warm) coffee shop across the road while the bike mechanic (my new hero) replaced the parts.

Who is that man riding our bike???
Who is that man riding our bike???

Another one hour ride with another man with another van and we were in Hamm.
A taste of the scenery today
A taste of the scenery today
We have giant pineapples- they have giant trolls
We have giant pineapples- they have giant trolls

Tonight’s accommodation is nothing short of incredible. Self contained apartment set on a small cove on a tiny island. Beautiful room, beautiful views. We know we should drag ourselves out to explore but at the moment are lying like vegetables on the lounge watching the world go by.
Not quite the youth hostel from last night
Not quite the youth hostel from last night

4 thoughts on “Mefjordvaer to Hamn via Finnsenes”

  1. Sometimes these calamities turn into good surprises! Great that you’re in such a beautiful country. Hope any future surprises are all good.

  2. No photos of you with the champion Norwegian cyclist? How funny/cute.

    Wonderful the efforts that people will go to when they are in small/more remote areas and you have the novelty of the tandem.

  3. The people are often the best bits…and all adventures should end with a comfortable room with a view!

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