Bodo to Trondheim to Oslo and our first glimpse of darkness

Set off by train from Bodo round lunchtime. Most challenging part was boarding with our five bags/cases now that we are back to carrying rather than riding the bike.
For the first leg (9 1/2 hours) to Tromdheim the train was full but mostly with local folks transferring be teen villages- we and one other lady (a German marathon runner returning home after completing a marathon in Tromso) were the only long haulers in our carriage. We had a steady flow of people in and out of the seats next to us – Its amazing how almost ten hours of boredom makes you a real voyeur – first we had a couple of young girls who had been on a shopping day- got to see all their purchases as they reviewed them (mostly Nike sporting goods); then there was a grandma with her two young teen grandchildren – who ate continuously and seemed to swap seats every two minutes – and the Norwegian couple who sat down opposite us and then immediately asked to change seats – I know we hadn’t showered for a while but….. Upside was it gave us empty seats to spread out in for a while.
Scenery was pretty exquisite (although we are getting pretty blasé about beautiful views now- they have to truly be spectacular to be photo worthy).
A couple of hours in we crossed over 60degrees North back out of the Arctic circle and started to see gradual increases in outside temperature.

Marker for the Arctic Circle
Marker for the Arctic Circle

Filled in long hours playing cards (until I got sick of David beating me) and listened to literally every song on my iPad.
At Trondheim we changed trains, and direction to Oslo- leaving at 11pm we had a sleeper car (aka coffin). Saw our fist darkness in almost four weeks, although it was fleeting. The biggest treat was seeing the midnight sunset- truly beautiful.
The midnight sun
The midnight sun

Arrived in Oslo round 6.30am. Taxi to our hotel – delightful ivy covered older style hotel and by far he most swanky we have stayed in so far- we will definitely have to lift our wardrobe standards.
Check In was at 3pm, so we stashed our bags, had breakfast and even though seriously jet (train) lagged set off to explore Oslo. Like the rest of Norway Oslo displayed all the elements today- so we opted for more inside activities – starting off gently with a trawl through the shops.
Visited the Oslo Cathedral which was well worth the visit, first because the organist was practicing and second because of its amazing ceiling- by a Norwegian painter but it looked like a tapestry.

3 thoughts on “Bodo to Trondheim to Oslo and our first glimpse of darkness”

  1. Have you been to the park with the huge naked statues (Vigeland Sculpture park). My only memory of Oslo!!

  2. It snowed when we went there! (Just briefly). There’s also another good ship – The Fram. The Opera house is an interesting building. Lots of places – have a look at the things the hop-on-hop-off bus goes to to start.

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