Nairobi to Arusha

We had an interesting night last night to say the least.Hit the sack very early and slept like logs until about midnight when we were woken by the sound of our door opening. Our neighbours had  mistaken our door for their own and their key (seemingly one size fits all) had obligingly opened our door.

Thank goodness the chain had held so a bit of an adrenaline rush but otherwise harnmless. Following that we had just got back to sleep and the phone rang to tell isourcat to the airport had arrived 12 hours early (2am rather than 2pm). Nonetheless less, even with these disruptions we managed a solid 8-9 hours sleep which went a long way to helping our jet lag .

Cyrus and family – Tony (Cyrus’ son) and Elizabeth (Cyrus’ wife) came to visit us this morning. It was fantastic to catch up again! Cyrus walked us through our day by day itinerary while we are in Tanzania – it sounds amazing and we are chomping at the bit to get down there.


Flight down to Kilimanjaro was very quick, 40 minutes in a 20 seater twin propeller plane. Got great views of the mountain as we flew in! It’s so high we were flying along side the snow capped peaks.

On arrival, we met our drive/guide Tony, who will be with us for the next 11 days. Tomorrow he plans on taking us for a walking tour of Arusha including some of the local markets. He has been kind for this first day – giving us a 10am start! 

Our company for theneXt 11 days

3 thoughts on “Nairobi to Arusha”

  1. Action packed first night!!
    Glad you saw Cyrus.
    Cyrus-replacement looks friendly.
    Let the fun begin.

  2. It was wonderful meet Naomi again and Caitlan for the first time. Wonderful family though Dave missing in action. For Dave and me this time we say health first. Naomi and Caitlan will have a good time.

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