A day at the races

We were  woken up just before sunrise by gangs of kookaburras along the river calling out to each other (no doubt saying ‘get out of bed you lazy buggers’) . We had a leisurely breakfast  then donned out glad rags (ie put on clean jeans and shirts) and headed into Louth to the races.  

Louth is a tiny town on the opposite bank of the river to where we are camped. It has a population of 40, and the pub is the only non-residential building in town. Once a year people flock to town from all over central NSW (and beyond), for the Louth Races. And we were lucky enough to be in town that day.  Most people camp either at the race track, behind the pub or along the river.

Dress code varied – most wore checked shirts, moleskins and  an akubra.   Others went the whole enchilada and dressed to the 9s. Sadly I’d left my fascinator and heels at home so couldn’t compete in ‘fashions on the field’  (David had also left his heels at home so couldn’t compete for the ‘best dressed bloke’.

Local ladies vying for best dressed

It was a hoot of a day.  There’s nothing quite like leaning over the barriers as the horses pound by in a cloud of dust- exhilarating. 

David managed to back 2 winners. I used my usual (random) approach ie back the mare because she was the only ‘woman’ in the race, and managed to get a couple of second places. At $5 a bet both our winnings and losses were modest.

I had a good feeling about this fella – Son of Bourke but sadly he was pipped at the post

Because race going is such thirsty work we stopped at the pub- Shindy’s  Inn – for a cool one on the way home. 

Got back to camp at 5.30 managing to avoid both cattle and goats on the road, and were tucked up in front of the fire eating dinner by 6.30.

Have an early start tomorrow as we have a 5 hour drive to Broken Hill ahead of us.

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