A day exploring Arusha and surrounds


Tony arrived round 10 and we set off to explore Arusha and surrounds. Arusha is one of the  largest cities Tanzania (a bustling 2M plus) .it is home to the banking and environmental headquarters, the national courts and diplomat centres. At the base of Kilimanjaro it is cooler than other parts to f Tanzania but still a warm and humid 28 degrees today

We started our day with a walking tour of the city,crowded with street vendors selling secondhand clothes and the like. We then walked d through the local markets- which were a hive of activity and colour. Beautifully elegant ladies carrying gravity defying, enormous baskets of fruit on their heads with rod straight backs. Amazing sights.

From there we visited two coffee plantations – with their beautiful old colonial buildings- a Mecca for tourists.  Had our lunch break, vegetarian pizza and our first cup of Tanzanian cafe latte at one of them.

One plantation houses Shanga- a social enterprise employing people with disability to create marvellous artworks all from donated and recycled materials.  The weaving and spinning wheels made from recycled bike parts were amazing.

Needless to say we had to make a few purchases……

Back in our hotel round 4 and now having a siesta (and cooling off) before dinner. Early night tonight as we start our safari tomorrow so need to be on the road by 8 at the latest (a slight challenge).

5 thoughts on “A day exploring Arusha and surrounds”

  1. Hi Aunty Naomi and Caitlan we saw your photos today and can’t wait to see your safari photos of the elephants and the lions!Love Lucinda Emily and Amity!❤️❤️❤️😊💕

  2. Hi Aunty Naomi and Caitlan we saw your photos today and cannot wait to see your safari photos of the elephants and loins love L E & A

    1. Hi L, E & A
      We saw HUNDREDS of elephants today, I have posted a couple of pics on the blog. I’ll put up a picture of lions as soon as we see them close up (but not too close!). Love to you, mum and dad and nan and pa xxx

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