A day mooching around Salamanca

Spent the day following a self guided tour of the ‘old town’ today. Salamanca is a UNESCO world heritage town. Like most of the UNESCO towns we’ve visited it had layer upon layer of buildings from different historical periods – Roman, Moorish, Gothic etc. , and old and new cathederal (with a somewhat dodgy definition of ‘new’ – 15th century). All buildings and streets were well preserved – it seems like Spain has more $$$ to put into preservation than Portugal. The city is also much less hilly than other cities we’ve explored which made it harder to justify the ‘eat everything we see’ approach we’ve used to date.

Salamanca also hosts one of Spain’s biggest and oldest universities- so buzzes with students.

Started our day at the Plaza de Mayor – an enormous square now filled with eateries but one used for bull fights and beheadings (presumably not at the same time)
The Salamanca food market offered lots of temptation
There was a bit of competition as to who could get the best photo of the storks nesting on top of this bell tower. No prizes for guessing the winner!
The mandatory espresso stop
Each of those bumps on the outside of the building is a scallop shell

We’ve now adapted well to the Spanish eating patterns. Had an enormous lunch in a local restaurant – after much use of google translate we chose meals which ended up remotely resembling what we thought we were ordering. Finding the Spanish food tasty but quite salty – not sure if it’s just this region or a whole of Spain thing- will need to eat more to see!

Tomorrow we are heading to Madrid – last day with the car.

One thought on “A day mooching around Salamanca”

  1. Beautiful couple of days in Salamanca. A town which is steeped in history. Blessed by great weather which is always the case when we are not riding. The adventures continue tomorrow.

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