A day of R & R in Santiago

a quiet day today. Walked through the cathedral – which was surprisingly way less ornate than others we’ve been through . Being a Sunday the organist was playing .

wandered the streets – with newly purchased umbrellas, window shopping as all except souvenir stores were closed. Then headed back to the hotel for the big bike pack up. Split the bikes up, bought them to our room, showered them to get the dirt off – only marginally easier than showering the dogs- dried them (on our towel no the hotels) and re-did the giant jenga. Amazingly cases weigh a bit less than coming over even with the few items we have purchased – but we were able to dispose of a few things no loner needed.

Finally cleaned the room/bathroom to leave no trace of dirt/bike muck. What they don’t know……..

2 thoughts on “A day of R & R in Santiago”

  1. Love the image of washing the bikes in the shower. Great photos, as usual. Where to now?

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