A wander down the South Gippsland Coast: Fish Creek to The Prom

We set off with as little luggage as we could wrangle, but still ended up with 30kg of ballast by the time we had tools, spares, clothes (very few), tents, sleeping bags, lilos, cooking gear and the bare basics of food. Add 2 humans and one big bike with trailer and we were pushing the equivalent of a small car up hill.

Gives a whole new meaning to camper trailer

Set off on our first bike and tent adventure today. With a week up our sleeves we decided to free-flow it. Have booked a tent site for the first two nights (to avoid getting caught out by post-lockdown weekend tourers) and from here will go whoever our whim takes us – and as far as our unfit legs can carry us.

Left the car in Fish Creek and headed south towards Wilson’s Promentary. Short ride but huge hills (or they felt huge to us with a trailer on the back). The landscape was spectacular – lush rolling hills with loads of dairy farms. Cows gazed at us without turning a hair – they must see tandems all the time! Heading into the prom reminded us of Southern Tas.

My view for the day

Weather was a humid 28 degrees by the time we arrived in Yanakie – the Yanakie General store with its supply of ice creams and ham and pickle sandwiches (eaten in that order) gave us the energy to ride the last 7km to the caravan park, arriving around 2.

First set up of the tent took almost an hour and several consultations with the instructions. I think it has shrunk since the last time we set it up- lilos take up most of it with much of our staff remaining outside under the fly. Managed a quick swim and shower before the weather set in – huge thunderstorm and waves of torrential rain. There’s nothing quite like the sound of rain on a tent – so far the tent has stood up to it. The site is grassy and seems to be draining ok – but stay tuned….

Currently holed up in the camp kitchen. David cooked up a storm – instant carbonara never tasted so good. About to break out the pack of cards and hide away from the dampness for a bit longer.

Man cooked food

4 thoughts on “A wander down the South Gippsland Coast: Fish Creek to The Prom”

  1. I’ll bet your tent took a bashing last night. We look forward to following your ride over the next few days. Andrew & Jennifer

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