
Sitting at the bar having watched the sunset, exhausted after a fantastic full day out on the volcanic plains of Ambossili. Animals galore and masses of elephants.

Road blocks of a different kind today

We all fell in love with little ‘Elvis’ (as we have called him) the baby elephant. He was within a few feet of us- Mum seemed pretty relaxed but we stayed firmly on the ‘right’ side of him- I’m sure we’d be pancakes if we’d tried getting between them.

Had picnic lunch on top of ‘ Mini Killi’- a short climb to the observatory which revealed fabulous views of the plains dotted with animals.

Being so close to so many animals and so many types of animals is an extraordinary experience.
The landscape is fierce here- a dust bowl with dust tornadoes (ambosellis) with lush oases around which the animals gather and elephants, buffalo and hippos wallow.

2 thoughts on “Amboselli”

  1. Elvis would weigh about 250kg, so I think he might exceed our baggage allowance

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