…..and back to Nairobi

Picked up our dresses from the tailor this morning – perfect fit and all constructed on a Singer treadle sewing machine!


USo now we are sitting at Kilimanjaro airport waiting for our flight to Kenya, eating possibly the best fries we’ve had in Africa and reflecting on the Tanzanian part of the journey.  What an incredible experience it’s been. Animals we’ve seen (and most of them up close) roughly in order of presentation ( yes we did keep a daily list) are: goats, cows, Elephant, Leopard , Giraffe, Water buffalo, Warthog, Wildebeest, Black rhino, Waterbuck, Impala, Thompson gazelle, Grand gazelle, Hearterbeast, Bushbuck, Zebra, Camel, Lions, Olive baboons, Blue monkey, Velvet monkey, Kori bustard, White stalk, ostrich, Superb Starling, Lilac breasted Rolla, African Jakana, Saddle billed stalk, Agama lizard, Python (very special to see one of these in the wild ), Topi , Cheetah, Spotted Hyena, Hippopotamus, Adolf, Dic dic, Eland, Banded Mongoose, Secretary bird, Long created eagle, Black bellied bustard, White bellied bustard, Reed buck, Rock/tree hyrax, Black back jackal , Vulture, White ramped shrike, Egyptian Goose, Blacksmith pullover, Lesser masked face weaver, Lesser flamingo (pink), Greater flamingo (White), Maribu Stalk, Red necked supufoll, Grey heron, Guinea fowl, Dwarf/slender mongoose, White headed buffalo weaver, mosquitos, grass hoppers, beetles (of the insect variety), Tsetse flies, and last but not least hundreds of donkeys.

Favourites: lions for Caity; hippos for me (mainly because of their fabulous laugh)

Looking forward to joining Cyrus for a day seeing highlights of Nairobi  tomorrow.

7 thoughts on “…..and back to Nairobi”

  1. What a fabulous list of animals! Catie will have lots of ideas for future themes and talking points in her classrooms in the future.

  2. Sad to lose my daily Africa fix, but will be good to have you back. Particularly to hear the hippo laugh!!!

    1. Nope, they are all ridgy didge- and there are a few more whose names we weren’t sure of!

  3. We’re going to miss these blogs. It’s been great coming along on your journey!
    Give our best wishes to Cyrus.
    R + R

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