And then there were two- in Nairobi

Sitting at Zanzibar airport waiting for our flight to Nairobi. The boys are checked through to Hong Kong, so our last couple of hours together.
Summing it up at the airport

A very rudimentary coffee shop- where would we be without Pringles- the universal airport food.

With two hours to kill, time to generate some lists, so here goes – in no particular order…..

1. Animals we have seen: Lions, Cheetah, Leopard, Rhino (black & white), Giraffe (3 types), Zebra (2 types), Wart hogs, Buffalo, Elephants, Bush babies, Hippos, crocodiles, Every type of deer you could imagine)- impala, dicdic, water bucks, bush bucks, oribi, kudu, oryx, garanek gazelle, Thompson gazelle, Elan, heartbeest, Wilder beast, Jackal, Hyena, Squirrels, Baboons, Velvet monkeys, Chimpanzee, Gekko, Monitor lizard, Bats, Red ants, Mongoose, Rock hyrax, tortoise, mosquito, fly
2. Birds: almost Every bird known to man: Ostriches, Flamingoes, Vultures, Sea eagles, (other) Eagles, Owls (we only heard these), Pied Kingfisher, Go-away bird, Crows, Corny bustards, Marabou Storks, Curlews, Herons (lots of different types, Pelicans, Superb Starlings, African Darter, Guinnea fowl (2 types), Peacock, penguins (not really- just checking if you’re still reading),Egyptian geese, secretary birds, spur winged plover, horn bill,
3. Domestic animals-which Cyrus won’t let us count: Donkeys, Goats,, Sheep, chickens/Roosters, cows, Camels, Cats (literally thousands in Zanzibar), and Dogs

So from here on in, we are down to the Big 3- David, Cyrus and I. Nairobi here we come!

5 thoughts on “And then there were two- in Nairobi”

  1. You’re guaranteed a good bird selection with Cyrus! Sounds like such an amazing trip… can’t wait till you get home ???

  2. Tonya the special bierds they saw on the trip are 1. The somali Ostrich in Samburu 2. The Somali bee eater in Samburu, 3. The Vulturin Guinea fowl. 4. African wattled plover in masai mara, The fish eagle in Naivasha and could be the saddle billed stork naivasha, Africa Jaccana Amboseli, squocoul heron Amboseli, The crake Amboseli, Red billed ox – peckers Amboseli. Red winged starlings in Ngulia and many more. Remember Ngulia is the ringing point of all migratory birds.

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