Andenes to Bo

Distance: 46.5km, dead flat and wind assisted (we flew)
Set off from our little seaside hotel in bright sunshine. Local bike store was fruitful in replacing bike tools someone who shall remain nameless dropped irretrievably into a rock crevice as we got on the ferry.

We made a short stop at the Nordic Space Centre on the outskirts of Andenes which was very interesting. Norway has an active space program and claims to lead the world in space communications. They certainly present their science in an accessible and engaging way.

Today we moved away from the fjords and followed the coast of the Norwegian Sea south, and man did we know we were in the Arctic. Blowing a gale (fortunately from behind us most of the time) and freezing- even David was wearing multiple merino layers.
The road would around the coast with sheer cliff face on one side and broad sandy beaches on the other.

David looked ahead and  looked up
David looked ahead and looked up

As the day went on the clouds came lower and lower with us eventually riding through fog- time to break out the high-vis vests.

Like in Oz, grey nomads are everywhere in the remote areas – we have learnt to allow them a wide berth as they power down the roads in their massive motor homes with little understanding of just how wide their vehicles are.

Learnt a lesson in arctic mechanics today- the oil on our chains has started solidifying in the cold making them seize- note to selves- carry oil canister with you at all times- all greased up ready to go tomorrow with a much longer ride ahead of us.

Tonight’s B&B very welcoming and (most importantly) warm. Our hostess is cooking us halibut for dinner (the Norwegians are succeeding in making David a fish eater).

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