Arkaroola ridge top

Up at 6 this morning (earliest for a long time) to get ready for the ridge top 4WD tour. Our washing which we’d pegged out last night was literally crisp with ice, and the car once again frozen over. 

Crisp jeans!

Despite the crispness we managed to fire up the coals and make coffee and porridge and eat it in front of our magnificent view before heading off.

The tour was in a safari-like open 4WD truck (brought back memories R&R)- 9 of us in the back packed tight with seat belts that cut off circulation- didn’t take long to realise why.

Four hours of rugged, steep, bumpy climbs (some stretches of 30 degree incline) made us grateful we were wedged in tight. Although I got so close to some of my co-travellers I may now need to marry them! 

Totally worth the ride as each crest revealed the most spectacular views.

Drove up this baby to the lookout

The guide was incredibly knowledgeable about the geological history, aboriginal history and more recent European history.

There were 8 mines in the area- mining radium for commercial use in products like watch faces, florescent paint etc – until they realised its deadly properties. Areas were also used by the US for military purposes until recent decades. 

The ridge was exquisite and well with the ride- every face has different foliage depending on the direction it faces.  

Lots of wildlife to be seen- wallabies, wallaroos and kangas (although I must admit I couldn’t always tell the difference)- also a group of wedge tailed eagles facing it off with some crows- ironically the crows won (yay for the little guy).

Got back in time for a mid-arvo lunch- a bit exhausted after all our jolting actually,  so a bit of a lazy afternoon. Sun is heading down the yard arm and we’re in that sweet spot where we need to get the fire going before the real cold sets in. Steak and roast veg tonight- tomorrow will be scraps until we can get back to the general store in Parachilna to re-stock.

3 thoughts on “Arkaroola ridge top”

  1. Love Arkaroola. Went there when I was 18, then again when Matt was about 12. The Ridge Top tour was a highlight. Is The observatory still operating?

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