Arrived in the Serengeti

Sitting on our tent verandah sipping G & T overlooking the plains of the Serengeti 

Ironically we have the best wifi we have had for the whole safari – so we will blog away.

Took the whole day to get here from Karatu all on dirt roads, which equated to an 8 hour safari massage!

We drove through the Ngorongoro game park to get to Serengeti hosting the incredibly beautiful Ngorongoro Caldera – we drove around the rim but will be returning to explore the craters wildlife later in the week.

We were spoilt by wild life today. Given a picture says a thousand words I’ll let them do the talking

This herd had 20 giraffes
These gals were less than 5m from our car!
This guy was very relaxed despite the attention he was drawing
The little guy was as cute as..

Arrived at our camp round 5. Tents are in the heart of the ‘unfenced’ game park so we can expect wildlife during the night. We are so reassured by the tiny whistle to blow if animals make us fearful – should we blow it now?????

Thee room at the back is the ‘happy room’ and I’m very happy we don’t have to go outside at night….

5am start tomorrow for a sunrise game drive. Can’t wait!

7 thoughts on “Arrived in the Serengeti”

  1. I am the happiest person because my clients are getting exactly what i expected. I envy you team Australia x 2. Very nice shots. Keep it up and your eyes peeled because still much much more to come. Bravo.

  2. Love the animals. Next time we’re camping N can we have a ‘happy room’ so you dont have to protect me from the possums during the midnight …..

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