Back in the saddle again

Flat tyres: 1

No pictures tonight. Just a quick entry to say we did our first test ride tonight with a minor hurdle to overcome first – a flat tyre. But a great opportunity to test out our bike maintenance skills before heading out into the wilderness – and we did it!

Rode the first 10km of the route we will be taking on Friday just to make sure we know our way out of the city (maps are in German). It’s actually really easy to get around by bike – only the first 50m is on roads and the rest on designated cycle paths or lanes – well at least for the first 10k anyway 🙂

As you can imagine we attract a bit of attention- lots of call outs as we go by – the words ‘tandem’ and ‘helmut’ seem to be part of the universal language. Not sure if they are calling out “she’s not pedalling on the back” or “you look like idiots in those helmets”.

Cyclists are everywhere and ride quite sedately here- no Lycra in sight (which is refreshing). All very friendly. One chap rode along side us for a couple of km chatting about the city and his visit to Oz. His parting advice was “Stop in the beer hall next to the church on your way home, and get rid of those helmets!”

hmmm – maybe if we put shower caps over the top of them people won’t realise we are wearing helmets???

6 thoughts on “Back in the saddle again”

  1. Leave the helmets on – brains a la bitumen/cement are not very appealing (that comment comes from Karrie!)

    BEFORE you leave Salzburg make sure you have Salzburger Knockerl and a Mozart Ball!

    Enjoying the blog!

    1. Mozart balls – tick
      Haven’t seen Salzburger knokerl – where did you have it?

  2. Oh come on … Stop teasing and post an action photo …. with helmets!

    Sounds like you haven’t stopped laughing. YAY to blogging so we get to smile along.

  3. I am with Alison leave the helmets on.Bad ,flat tyre never mind practice makes perfect.Dad says stick with the helmets.

  4. Guess it’s too late, but it was in a restaurant going back to the hotel that backed onto the hill via the street with the fountain that pops out of the holes in the ground It should have been available in a few places though.

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