Bairnsdale – Paynesville – Raymond Island

Distance travelled: 53km. Sore legs: 4

First post-lockdown long(ish) ride – dead flat & mild temperature – and it nearly killed us. My how the mighty have fallen! Let’s hope that there’s truth to the saying that ‘you get fit on the road’ or we’re in for a big week.

With 2 days in Bairnsdale to reunite with our bike legs we set off for Paynesville early. Rode along the Mitchell River the whole way- the first few kms was on the main highway, traffic was busy with school drop off but the shoulder was wide so pretty easy riding. 

About 8k out of Bairnsdale the highway split off and we rode down a mix of quiet back roads and gravel walking trails.  LOTS of potholes which made for sore bottoms but thankfully no punctures.

The highlight was riding down the 5km silt jetties – long narrow deltas that extend the banks of the Mitchell into the lakes.  Was quite magical albeit blowy- had the jetty mostly to ourselves with the exception of a few fishermen.

After re-fuelling at the Paynesville bakery we took the ferry to Raymond Island.  Sounded positively idyllic as described to us by the old bird on the ferry- only 540 people live on the island, lovely warm community, huge population of koalas. And it is beautiful. Only downside were the 540,000 mosquitos that await unsuspecting and juicy tourists who don’t happen to know about the mandate for tropical strength Aeroguard. So… David and I are a bit spottier than we were yesterday but did indeed get to see our national treasures in their natural habitat.

beware the masked man with a bike
This little guy was feeling shy

However a quick trip to the shops on our return and we are now prepared for anything the insect world throws at us

The Riversleigh – our home for a couple of days

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