Beer, pretzels & relaxation – three basic staples

A very relaxing day here in Munich. Started the day with a roof top bus ride to orient us to the city –


– then set off walking & exploring quaint streets, shops and the Viktualienmarkt- the biggest market in Munich.

The Viktualienmarkt
The Viktualienmarkt

Asparagus is in season!
Asparagus is in season!

A glorious sunny day so we finished up in the beer garden in the English Garden (along with half of the Munich population) – seats 7000 people! Fantastic atmosphere, brass band playing beer, pretzels (and size is everything when it comes to pretzels) and Bavarian sausages were the main fare.
As they say in the classics…”when in Rome……”


Note mine is a regular stein & David’s is the Gross (really really huge) stein.

The English garden
The English garden


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