Birdsville Track Part 1: Birdsville to Mungerannie

Left Birdsville round 10am to start our much anticipated journey south along the Birdsville Track. Based on its reputation we expected a really rough and narrow track – however the track was recently graded so much wider and smoother than expected. That being said the track traverses the Sturt Stony Desert which is true to name with large areas of corrugations and gibber rock , which claimed our third Anderson plug in as many days.

Long expanses of nothingness with little variation
Our one bit of excitement – a water crossing right in the middle of the desert

We had intended to spend 3 days on the track, however trees were scarce and it was near impossible to find a sheltered camp spot. Not fancying a long afternoon in the sun in the company of a trillion flies we decided to press on .

A word on flies-they’ve been particularly relentless in this neck of the woods. Fly nets are mandatory wear and we are getting used to their presence at every lunch stop and the accidental protein intake they bring to every meal. I won’t even mention the joy they bring to comfort stops. Jatz has become an expert fly catcher snapping like a little alligator at the rate of a Gatling gun.

We reached the Mungerannie Roadhouse ( the half way point) round 4pm and set up camp.

Great evening chatting to fellow travellers in the beer garden followed by some late night repairs.

The Mungerannie Hotel
And another glorious sunset
Worthy of two photos tonight
Late night repairs

3 thoughts on “Birdsville Track Part 1: Birdsville to Mungerannie”

    1. The plug that wires the electrics from your trailer to the car – sorry for the kargon

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