Bruthen to Lakes Entrance via the Discovery Trail

Distance travelled: map said 38, felt like 60. No cell reception for most of the trip so we were unable to GPS map exact distance

We left the Bruthen Hotel bright and early – hard to sleep in once a country pub awakes and also wanted to push through bathrooms etc before the morning rush. We stocked up with salad rolls, coffee and water at the local bakery and were off.

We started on the Gippsland Trail but then after a 10k long uphill slog branched off to head south for Lakes Entrance, expecting a gradual roll down to the coastt – after all the sea is always at the bottom of the hill isn’t it? Um…..not quite…..

The Discovery Trail is a disused tram line that once carried granite from the quarries south to the lakes area. Legend has it that the big clumps of granite along the trail were thrown overboard by the crew in an attempt to get speed up to make it to the pub at the other end before closing.

The trail was narrower than the rail trail and absolutely beautiful with towering gums draping long strings of bark forming an amazing canopy. It hugged the bank of the now dry Mississippi Creek with deep undergrowth of ferns – the rainforest smell transported me straight to Narby (as I’m sure my Hax clan members will understand).

The leafy path made for much slipping and sliding
Fire remnants

We had our picnic lunch in a gorgeous picnic area – Log Crossing – where we met a lady who had driven from East of Bairnsdale to Lakes Entrance to sell her fresh fruit produce at the LE market not realising it was closed for the long weekend. We were the big beneficiaries and are now sporting a handful of crisp juicy Johnathon apples 🍎

The last 6 or so k into Lakes Entrance was less fun on shared local roads – as much uphill as down. Definitely not looking forward to the big climb out in the morning.

A chance would be a fine thing – I think we maxed at about 7km/hour on this big hill, but might have hit the 50 on the way down the other side….

The entrance is bustling with long weekend holiday makers, boats, jet skis and bikes. Accomodation is thin on the ground here this weekend so we are staying in the LAST motel with a vacancy – 1970ish besser block style with I think original bedspread and a plumbing hammer that judders the teeth- so let’s just hope our neighbours don’t have a late night shower!