Bushmen, blacksmiths, a long hot drive and a party

Set off at 7 after yet qnother superb Tanzanian breaky omelette, heading ‘bush bound’ to meet a group of busmen. Our guide JJ introduced us and acted as interpreter. 

The bushmen are hunters and gatherers. Their main protein is baboon and they had the morning hunt on the fire when we arrived – surrounded by village dogs eager for the scraps. What they don’t eat they hang dry for later hydration. They are nomadic and move from huts to caves in the wet season.

A lesson in archery

Following this we visited the village where JJs grandmother (94) lives. They make their living through forging spear heads for the bushmen and through tourism (making and selling bracelets made from reclaimed metals).

The areas we passed through today were nigh more agricultural – crops of Corn, maize  and red onion. The government purchases the crops and distributes the across Eastern Africa.

After  visiting the two camps we started the long (5 hour) drive to Moshi.  With temperatures in the high 30s  and only a WD60 air conditioner (if you are born after the 60s then ask your parents what this means) it was a long hot drive. 

Arriving round 6 we then had to say a sad farewell to Tony (as the safari part of our trip is finished) – he has been a fabulous guide/driver and looked after us soooo well. 

YAfter dinner our tour operator owner Freddie, a friend of Cyrus, came and picked us up and took us to his home where they were celebrating his sisters engagement.  It was a wonderful night and such a priviledge to be invited. The whole family welcomed us – everyone (except us) dressed up in the most beautiful clothes,  music, dancing (which we joined in) and loads of fun.  such an honour.

We have two nights here in Moshi – staying in a lodge that feels a bit last me a backpackers, lots of young people a noise – mostly people who are heading up to clmb the mountain.

Tomorrow we will be heading up to the lower reaches of Kilimanjaro needless to say we wont be climbing, but it is now on the bucket list!

4 thoughts on “Bushmen, blacksmiths, a long hot drive and a party”

  1. Looks fantastic. I hope you did the right thing and supported the local economy. We are all looking forward to see your exotic trinkets. A&J

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