Cameron Corner

Another day of crossing the treeless plains today. We hit the road round 9.30, planning to go to the Keeping Place but unfortunately it was closed so we turned west towards Cameron Corner.  Open only to 4WD at the moment, the first 75k of the road was recently graded (in fact so recently that the grading machines were still on roadside. The remaining 60k was pretty rough and ready with teeth rattling corrugations. We decided there’s money to be made driving along the road picking up all the bits that fall off peoples rigs. David and I almost parted with our awning poles but noticed just in time – now firmly secured with gaffa tape.

Crossing the clay pans

Passed the  Dog Fence en route. The dog fence, traverses the border between NSW and Queensland and SA  and was initially constructed in the 1800s to manage the rabbit plague (ie rabbit proof fence). It is now maintained to keep the SA and Queensland dingoes away from the sheep grazing areas of NSW. The original fence was 8614km and the current fence which is 5614km is the longest man made structure in the world.

The dog fence
Crossing into SA through the dog fence

We  arrived at Cameron Corner early afternoon. Cameron Corner- named after the explorer/surveyor, is the point at which NSW, Queensland and South Australian borders intersect- so you can stand in three states at one time – and we did.

David in the state of New South Wales, Naomi in the state of excitement

Had a late lunch at the Cameron Corner store – an outback pub by another name- and we are now staying in their camp behind the pub- 5 bucks per night per person and use of hot showers- score!!!

Sadly we’ll be gone tomorrow
And we made our mark
The tri state golf course
But here is the first hole
And tonight’s sunset

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