Category Archives: Random camping trips

Chillin’ bush camping weekends 2023

 A change of pace from our long haul trips we’ve locked in a couple of  ‘long weekends’ to explore what’s right under our nose (or within a few hours anyway) with friends. 

 Edi Cutting

Our first was to Edi Cutting, a large bush camping site right on the banks of the King River. 

Woke to the threat rain and pressed on -it never rains north of The Divide does it?  David and I headed off mid morning and took the slow road – stopping off in all the little towns now by-passed by the Hume.  The inevitable breakfast in Seymour., pit stop in Euroa, snoop around the thriving and much larger town of Benalla and then Glenrowan – which didn’t seem to have changed too much from when we used to drive through way back when. Each went through our mandatory ‘can we live here test – train line (tick); good cafes (tick), services for oldies (hmm only some passed the Pub Test here).  

We arrived at Edi Cutting only a few minutes before Rick and Bei so could seek out the ‘perfect spot’ together.  After quite a bit of backing and filling to fit Dora between the gums and get her remotely level (and to source and pile rocks as extra chocks so we didn’t end up in the river over night) we were set.

Tucked away nicely next to the (literally) roaring river.
Needed the campfire to steel off the night air

Great walks, and a beer garden/cafe just up the road.

Brunton’s Bridge: campling and 4WD adventures

This gem of a free campground is set right on the banks of the Thompson River, in the shadows of the historic Brunton’s Bridge. Quite a drive to get there – we entered from the North via Walhalla. While coming fromt he South is quicker, it requires a water crossing – which we avoided beause 1) I didn’t fancy doing the freezing cold wade through water-check, and 2) we were a bit reluctant to take Dora through without someone nearby to pull us out if she got stuck- so Walhalla it was.

David and I arrived frist and set up camp in a sweet spot, only to go for a walk and discuver an absolutely magical spot futher down the banks. Determined to have the perfect camp before Rick and Bei arrived, we upped sticks (groan) and moved the 50 meters down the bank (I am so like my mother!).

Great pozzie with room for our two rigs and a fabulous fire pit.

This big guy catching the rays, nicely camourflaged on the banks of the river
AWWWW – our lovely camp buddies. Who needs a chain saw when you can just load the whole darn tree into the fire pit!

Some fabulous four wheel driving to be had in this area – although poor old Buddy didn’t enjoy the twists and turns…. even his coat looked like it was turning green, poor little fella

Dora put on her bra for the eventual water crossing – David didn’t need one. (had a video of the water crossing but couldn’t work out how to upload it – so it’s a bit like the fish that got away!

Walhalla was beautiful – and turned on the good weather for us.