Day 6:Curtain Springs

Woke up early (at least somewhere in the world), said goodbye to our little tent haven and determined to leave no walk undone set off for the Kings Creek walk – the dry riverbed along the base of Kings Canyon.
It was a relatively short and easy walk but very beautiful with towering orange rock faces on either side and lush undergrowth thriving in the shade. A mix of beautiful ghost gums and various native shrubbery and grasses. Little pockets of wildflowers around the place.

Jolly swagman (aka David) stirring in the shade of a coolabah tree

After a quick refuel with coffee and toastiest we headed back towards Yulara aiming for Curtain Springs on the way. A largely uneventful drive except for helping out a tough old bird from Towoomba who had managed to get her car stuck in sand while doing a u turn at the entrance to the Red Centre Way. Fortunately no pushing/pulling required just some careful reversing/steering to get traction. She had hit a rock on the way in but all seemed to be ok to David (un) trained eye – he did look very knowledgeable as he lay on the ground in the dirt. I nodded a lot and provided encouragement.

Arrived at Curtain Springs just before 2. It’s in the middle of nowhere and quite quirky. after reading this sign we put our shirts back on quite quickly!

image Des: sign says “sex- now that I’ve got your attention, no shirt no service’

Like Kings Creek station it is a working station – a whopping 1 million acres that has diversified to include a paper mill in their old abbittoir and providing basic camping facilities and accomodation along with a general store and fuel. It was purchased by the family running it in the. 1950s. Pretty much every car/camper/caravan stops on their way through. David and I are staying in a very basic 70s style motel room, tiny and immaculately clean. Have been getting lots of attention from the 7 year old son of one of the workers who has very generously shared his whole life story – and everyone else’s – very cute.

Have checked out the dinner menu – as you’d expect steak features highly, so looking forward to a big nosh up -dinner served between 6 and 7 so we will have our appetites ready. And make su we have our shirts on!

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