Day 5: Flamingos

Today started and ended with a bang. We got up early, had a quick breaky and set off at 6.30 for Lake Bagoria. The flamingos were nothing short of extraordinary. There were literally thousands of them chattering away, bright pink legs reflecting in the water and flying in amazing formations.
Getting up early paid off as we had the place to ourselves and were able to creep down closer to the waters edge and get really close. Ryan and David took about a million photos and videos – Roger picked up feathers.

Literally had to drag ourselves away- it was the most beautiful thing we had ever seen.

Picnic lunch on the equator en-route back, with a visit to the local craft shops (all 17 of them). A pretty amazing group of women with the most gorgeous little children.

Ended the day with a couple of hours in the Lake Nakuru game reserve, ticking off animals on our must see list. Highlights were the Rothschild giraffe (dark markings & white socks), a (very fast moving) hyena, the Thompson’s gazelle, more white rhinos and zebras, a couple of sleeping lionesses, and the piece de resistance- an adult male lion who strode across the road right in front of us.

A bit blurry- he was on the move

Arrived back at the lodge 13 hours after leaving this morning, dusty, exhausted all agreeing that we’d had a wonderful day.

Obviously the female of the species is more resiliant[/caption]
No. One sign for the day

7 thoughts on “Day 5: Flamingos”

  1. Great photos. Funeral home??!!
    Ok. Our entries for the sign competition are as follows:
    1. Show us your metal – wreckers yard
    2. If you like it Crown it – dentist
    3. Salon Beauty and meat – beauty salon and men’s gym
    4. Shuggies – sh…blackmarket outlet for kids Ugh boots

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