Day 5: kings Canyon from ground and air

Awoke at 5am to our friendly (or not?) dingo family prowling and howling around our tent. Too squibby, or sensible to poke our heads out and see how many there were but I could discern at least 4 and it sounded like there were also pups in tow – either way they made quite a racket.

It was a freezing night so was hard to step out of our warm bed but we managed it and were breakfasted and heading to the canyon just a few minutes after sunrise.

Next big decision was which walk to do. After much examination of the routes and the relative difficulty warnings we decided on the south rim walk – rated as 4.8km moderate (sounded more like us than 6km extremely difficult in places). We will do the canyon floor walk tomorrow. Being a ‘rim’ walk the first 500m or so was pretty much straight up- a bit of scrambling involved and some narrow ledges but mostly one long rock staircase albeit uneven. It was another thing altogether coming down of course.

The climb was definitely worth it – with every new turn revealing another view, and there’s no doubt that when it comes to views, higher is better. David was in photography heaven – his only remit was no photos of me from behind as I scrambled over rocks.

Where, where, where, where’s Naomi? (image desc shows Naomi. Half hidden on rock face)
Image desc: shows stone steps leading up side of canyon with sheer drop
Image desc: sheer orange rock face looking down into canyon
Made it! (Image desc- Naomi hiking stick in hand looking gorgeous as usual standing at top of canyon)

After the walk and a quick lunch at the Thirsty Dingo Hotel (gotta love outback names) we managed to secure one impromptu spot on a helicopter flight over the canyon- David went due to his superior photography skills and my preference to keep my feet on the ground. It was over in just a few minutes but he did the pictures proud.

Image Des- aerial photo of large red desert with canyon ridge in the distance
Image desc: aerial view directly down on canyon

Dinner once again at the Kings Creek Station eatery, at 5 with all the others needing to dive back to camp before sunset.

Naomi disguised on steps of Kings Creek Station general store tucking into caeser salad

3 thoughts on “Day 5: kings Canyon from ground and air”

  1. Wow. Love seeing the pics and love not having to do the climb!! Looked much harder than our other walks.
    Great helicopter shots, David . Mine all have bits of helicopter in them. Were you in the front, co-piloting?

    1. Was quite a bit harder than the other walks but absolutely worth it. Coming down was hardest. And no, back window seat- someone else snarled the co-pilot seat

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